I Hate Subject Lines

I found an old entry of mine and it just... reeked of desperation. I am very happy I didn't actually post it way back then. I am a changed woman now! (or better said, smack dab in the process).

Last night I devoted my entire night (my beauty sleep portion to be exact) so I could make my Twitter account, which seems to be the only reasonable way to keep yourself in touch with people nowadays. EVEN if some people ~coughNATHANcoughCHRISTIANcough~ think it's their private messaging service. >/ It's ANNOYING. It doesn't matter if I am doing everything in my power to be pleasant and helpful, somehow it turns into... ARGH!! So while Facebook takes control of your personal property and thinks that's ok, I'll stick to Twitter. Unless I am overtaken by madness and delete the thing.

I should add more followers. That ought to solve my problem.

Changed my blog layout because the other one was really hard to personalize. I think it's really pretty (like me), stylish (like me) and very true to my persona. Though it reminds me I haven't done some retail therapy in a very long time.

Therapy... ugh.

Though now I am not really loving my layout. It might be too dark. What a problem. I think I spent too many hours last night on this so it shall STAY unless the fairy godmother of blogger comes in and makes it prettier somehow. Then again after my Twitter match and subsequent ~O SNAP~ moment, I am dissatisfied with EVERYTHING.
